Dear Carnegie Friends and Colleagues,
Welcome to the Carnegie Foundation’s monthly newsletter. We are launching it to share news of work we are doing, to offer opportunities for collaboration and connection, and to amplify extraordinary work so many of you have underway.
The Carnegie Foundation is a unique institution. From establishing what is now one of the largest retirement funds for teachers and professors (TIAA) to creating Pell Grants, the Carnegie Foundation has a century-long history of transformational change in education. We do our work in partnership, with a broad range of open-minded individuals and entrepreneurial institutions. Increasingly, we do our work in deep collaboration with teachers and students, school and system leaders, policymakers, philanthropists, and innovators across sectors.
This newsletter is designed to keep you updated on progress in a range of areas. You’ll hear stories about:
- Educational leaders from across the country who are transforming teaching and learning;
- Models of competency (not time) based learning that develop the skills young people need to succeed in career and life;
- New and emergent models of postsecondary education that effectively serve those furthest from opportunity; and
- Practitioners who are leveraging improvement science, in pursuit of equitable outcomes for young people.
We are excited to learn what spurs your interest, and we hope that you will share this newsletter and the stories in it with your networks.
It goes without saying, that we live in times of great challenge, on many fronts. In my view, a thriving education system remains our best hope to prevail against the many daunting challenges before us—be they threats to the climate, democracy, equity or peace. For that reason, I remain heartened by the extraordinary efforts of students, parents, teachers, and community leaders who are coming together to tackle these challenges in all the places where teaching, learning, and mentorship occurs.
The Carnegie team is excited to share stories of innovation, determination, and hope in this monthly newsletter, and we are thrilled that you are on this journey with us to create a future of learning that young people deserve.
In partnership,
Timothy Knowles
President, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching